A vital service has been provided by architects for society and the utility, beauty, and security to the places where people live, play and work have also been added by architectural creations and there are many things that should be learned by architects in order to serve the best of their works. However, you should also know that a license should be owned by you as an architect so that you can practice in the United States and several online courses can be followed in architectural design in some universities there. Some of the coursework in brick-and-mortar should be completed first then a bachelor’s, masters, or postgraduate degree on architecture can be obtained by the students and one of the courses is architecture distance learning.
Before we go to the architecture distance learning, you should know that a degree should be earned first from an accredited institution, an internship should also be completed, and the standard exam has to be passed as well so that an architecture license in the United States can be obtained. After the state-licensing board for specific licensing requirements is checked, a school and a degree can be selected. Moreover, a master’s degree in architecture can be earned in two to three years by the students when a bachelor’s degree in architecture, engineering, mathematics and art have been obtained.
Engineering, mathematics, communication, design, and visual art are included in some of disciplines that should be mastered by the students as one of the requirements of architecture degrees and core courses can be taken by students so their degree can be earned. Well, classes in order to earn architectural degrees online are offered by many accredited colleges and universities but a complete architectural degree course online is not offered by accredited university with the exception of associate’s degrees. Due to the hands-on-participation is involved by an architecture degree obtained by many principles the online course cannot be offered and it is related to architecture distance learning.
One of the examples from the case above is when only the use of tools available in the classroom or the building of large-scale models are required by some classes. Some free architecture courses online are offered by some schools via OpenCourseWare or the other technologies and the architectural courses are offered by Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Structural theory, urban architectural design, a study of architecture in different cities and countries are included in the course offerings from this university.
The architecture distance learning can be obtained in Kent State and they offer this courses through The Master of Science in Information Architecture and Knowledge Management or IAKM School at the university. The Business and Competitive Intelligence, Economics of Information, Foundation Principles of Knowledge Management, Content Management Systems, Information Architecture and the IAKM program overview are included in the courses they offer.
The architecture distance learningcan also be found in Stanford University and University of California at Berkeley freely in iTunes.com. This course can also be obtained from some other prominent universities, like University of Southern Queensland, the Dixie College of Utah, Rice University, Utah State University, the Open University, and Delft University of Technology. So, it all will depend on you, what kind of course you want to obtain.