Have you ever experienced a bathroom door locked from inside? It may be the doorknob is already broken and you may do not know about it, or you are fooled by your friends who like making a trap so that you will be frustrated and after you are yelling for asking help, they will open the door. You will be frustrated easily when you experience this kind of experience and especially when you are not at home, perhaps, you are in school, or even at the office and there is no one can help you.
If this happens to you when you are at office and you are saved, you should ask the repairman for repairing the doorknob as soon as possible, or even you are at home, the doorknob should be repaired immediately so that there will be no more victims. An instant way may be done by you by kicking the door with your entire effort so that the locked door can be forced to be opened. You should not be weak at that time because it is an emergency situation.
One of the effective ways in solving the problem like bathroom door locked from inside is the forceful way which you can kick the door so that it can be opened and it can be done after you know that there is no one can help you. However, if you do not do anything forcefully, there are some other ways that can be tried to do which are calmer than the previous recommended ways. When choosing the calmer way, you will be lucky if there is a wire hanger because it will really be needed and it can be used so that the knob can be hooked.
Moreover, in solving bathroom door locked from inside calmly, a stiff wire may also be needed so that the stuck lock can be hooked as well and you can use the wire so that the knob’s striker can be pushed so you can finally release the lock of the bathroom door. Do not think that it is already over, because the knob will also be needed to be twisted so the striker cannot spring back and these steps should be done correctly so the incident like this in the bathroom will not happen again. You know, when there is no one there, you should give your more effort to escape from there.
You may not be lucky because there is no wire hanger when bathroom door locked from inside, but if you always brings you’re a knife wherever you go, it will be your lucky day because a putty knife can be used so that the bathroom door can be opened easier. Or else, the flexible metal equipment can be used as well, like paint scrapper or spatula to be inserted to the gap of your bathroom door. Then, the knife can be pressed to the striker and the knife can be pushed until you can successfully open the door.
Well, if you do not bring those tools, you should bring and prepare those things from now on because these things can help you a lot. Okay, we do not expect you experience the bathroom door locked from inside, but preventing something may happen is not wrong. By bringing some tools like them, you will not have a worry anymore whenever you go to the bathroom.